09 December 2009


This is my new summer project. TOP GUN Yaoi! After spending two days mulling over the internet for a different presentation subject...other than Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I discovered Yaoi. Manga written by women for women about man love. If you could see me now, you would see that I am grinning, as I think it's really "funny". I haven't read any, only looked at pictures and watched a few youtube clips, and it's not as campy as I was hoping, but who knows? Top Gun has always been a BROMANCE. Tom is really fisting it with Val Kilmor in the scene I grabbed this likeness from, but I got too tired and I am still waiting for drawing with a Wacom to get easy.

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you've transformed a scene of masculine confrontation into something more...

    I'm also quite intrigued with the way your artwork seems to play with the idea of visibility and invisibility - this seems to be one of the big themes (thinking back on the triangulation point picture). I know you explained it as potential. I always conceptualise it as absence/mourning (psychoanalytical training, I guess). It's the kind of centre of this vision...

    The outfit that Tom has on is becoming invisible, what with the hand and the deceptively unfinished look of the jacket. He becomes a window into another world - the world of the 'homosocial' male? An attempt to show Tom's vanity, since the original meaning of this was emptiness? I'm sure I see a disempowering going on - the raised fist is matched by the missing hand...

    Tom's missing stomach is interesting - it's like he has no centre or is 'eviscerated'.

    Tom looks upward. He can't see the absence/potential of the cloud right in front of him. But yet - the cloud is enveloping him, transforming him...

    Looking at the materials for this sort of composite artwork and comparing, I'm quite impressed with how you managed to get the cloud to repress the other images of the guys from the movie still with such a perfect fit. The kind of precision is amazing.

    Once again, the image is very striking.
